No Time Like the Present
Some people would say, Rodney…bro, what are you doing? You’re a pastor of a two year old church plant that is portable. You’re in the process of renovating a new building. You spend six to eight weeks a year at church plant trainings coaching church planters. You’re worship ministry is about to drop an EP. Not to mention that Sunday morning is coming! AND before all of that, you have two kids, a wife, two dogs, cars to wash, a yard to mow…why in the world would you want to start a leadership podcast and resource website? I’m glad you asked. My answer is simply this…what better time is there than this? There’s no time like the present! You see, it’s because I absolutely LOVE this part of ministry!
I love helping other people succeed. I want to help you succeed! I want to help you lead the teams that you lead better. Now, I’m no leadership guru. There are definitely some other amazing guys out there who are killing it. Carey Nieuwhof, Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel to name a few. If you aren’t listening to their podcasts, then you need to be! AND please hear me, we’re not doing this because we feel like we are on par with them. We’re doing this because it’s been burning on our hearts to share about our journey and to give back. It’s a calling and I can’t shake it.
So why start it in this season? Well, I want you to see the real, raw, nitty gritty side of my life and leadership. I want you to see that no matter what hand you have been dealt in leadership, you can win with it. So here are a few things we are going to work on to be a help to you moving forward.
- A website with Ministry, Leadership, and Church Planter Resources (Planter Worksheets, Sermon Series, Art, etc.)
- A weekly blog post on Leadership
- A monthly podcast teaching from Rodney and other interviews with other dynamic leaders. (20 minutes or less dropping on the first Tuesday of each month)
- AND much more to come…
So thank you for reading this post and for even considering being a part of this journey with us. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and follow us on Instagram @unthinkableleaders. We’re excited to help leaders like you lead teams to do unthinkable things!