Episode 04 – What is a Healthy Organization? (Part Two)

Episode 04 – What is a Healthy Organization? (Part Two)

Thanks again for listening to today’s podcast on what is a Healthy Organization.

Again, Rodney mentioned that Healthy Organizations:

  1. They Serve up the Vision (Eat)
  2. They Find a Way to Make it a Mission with Action Steps (Exercise)
  3. They Reproduce Vision Carriers

Rodney also shared with us Three Common Myths about Healthy Organizations:

  1. Health isn’t always about Money. (But stewardship and being responsible)
  2. Health isn’t always about Talented Teams. (But it’s about Character)
  3. Health isn’t always about the Number of People. (More people could only mean greater dysfunction)

We hope this teaching helps you as you lead your team towards doing the unthinkable!

Join us again on Tuesday, August 21st for our next leadership interview with our friend, Daniel Im about his new book that will be releasing on September 1st entitled, “No Silver Bullets”.  

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